Therapeutic Approach at Susan Loane Counselling Services Bundall
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
CBT is an approach based on the premise that cognition's (thoughts) influence feelings and behaviors, and that in turn behaviors and emotions can influence cognitions' . The role of the therapist in this approach is to help individual's identify unhelpful thoughts, emotions and behaviors. CBT has 2 components: behavior therapy and cognitive therapy. Behavior therapy is based on the theory that behavior is learned and therefore, can be changed. Examples of behavioral techniques include; activity scheduling, relaxation strategies, behavior modification and exposure. Cognitive therapy is based on the theory that distressing emotions and maladaptive behaviors are the result of patterns of thinking. The intervention focuses on cognitive restructuring and self instructional training in the effort to replace unhelpful or problematic thoughts with more constructive, positive thoughts. CBT includes a focus on skills training, for example; stress management techniques, parenting strategies, anger management skills, interpersonal and social skills.
Psycho Education
Psycho education involves the provision of information to clients to explain what is commonly known about characteristics of their condition, diagnosis or situation in order to help them to understand what they are experiencing. Individuals are given specific information about, for example; what are typical symptoms, what is known about causes, effects and possible implication of the problem. Information may also be provided about possible medications, prognosis, factors that may alleviate or aggravate the condition/situation, signs of relapse and how they can be actively monitored and effectively managed. Psycho education can be provided in an individual or group setting.
Strengths Based Approach
The SBA is an approach that is primarily dependent upon a belief in the positive potential of people. Positive attitudes about people's needs, strengths, abilities, and rights, are upheld and respect shown for the dignity and uniqueness' of the individual. The approach vies people as their own expert in their life and emphasises people's ability to change, by creating opportunities to discover and mobilise their strengths and abilities. The approach focuses on the problem, not the person as the problem and seeks to identify and address social, personal, cultural and structural constraints to growth. The client-therapist relationship is one of trust and purposeful partnership. Strategies and resources are provided in ways that complement peoples existing strengths and resources.
Narrative Therapy
Narrative Therapy is based on listening to and understanding the stories that people use to describe their lives and the problems they are experiencing. This approach regards problems as being separate from the individual. The therapist assists them to : 1. recognise how the stories they have constructed may be restricting them from overcoming their present difficulties and
2. identify the range of skills, beliefs and abilities that they already have and / or have successfully used, but perhaps not recognised, that they can apply to the problems in their lives. Narrative therapy helps people to re frame the stories people tell about their lives by identifying and emphasising their strengths.
Solution Focused Therapy
Is a goa focused and resource oriented therapeutic approach that helps individuals change by helping them to identify and construct solutions.
Trauma Informed Approach
This recognises the widespread impact of trauma, understands client behaviors and adaptive attempts to cope and seeks to avoid re-traumatisation. The approach focuses on 'what has happend to the person' rather than 'what is wrong with the person' and emphasises skill building and acquisition. The trauma-informed approach reflects an adherence to key principles rather than a prescribed set of practices or procedures. The principles implemented are: safety, trustworthiness/transparency, choice/control, collaboration and empowerment. The approach believes recovery from trauma is possible and that healing occurs through the experience of positive relationships.
Family Therapy/ Family Based Interventions
FAmily therapy may be definded as any psycho therapeutic endeavor that focuses on altering interactions between or among family members. It seeks to improve the functioning of the unit as a whole, as well the functioning of individual members of the family and also family subsystems. ( For example; the marital couple, father and son/s father and daughter/s, mother and daughter/s mother and son/s, sibling relationships, etc.) Each family memeber is given the opportunity to present tehir opinion openly in a non-judgmental, non accusatory abd respectful environment. Resolution of the problem is achieved through collective input, rather than by singling out individuals as responsible for the problem.
About Susan Loane Counselling Services Bundall/ BSoc Scs-
BSW, AMHCSW, MACSW. Graduated University of Queensland 1997. Medicare and Private Health and ATAPS Registered and Accredited. Individual and Family Therapist. Hoffman/Sydney. Family Training and Trauma Counsellor, Mental Health and Addictions Therapist. Victims Services Trauma Counsellor NSW and QLD.
Susan has 27 years' experience in the field providing Clinical Psychotherapy and Counselling for individuals, families, couples and young people. Susan has worked in both governmental and non governmental sectors nationally. Because of Susan's many years as a successful therapist, Susan draws from a broad framework within her practice. Susan has an empathetic and warm and engaging approach. In her work with both adults and children or in couples/family based interventions, Susan draws on many flexible styles of counselling. See Susan's Therapeutic Approach Page. Susan's practice is culturally sensitive.
Susan has also developed many therapeutic models for practice for the benefit of all those who seek her services, which include other professionals, and mainstream cliental. Some of these Therapeutic Models at Bundall Counselling Services include : Quadrant Therapy/ Life Balance, Our Emotional Bank, The What Doc, Five our of Five In A Room/Narrative Therapy for Social Anxiety.
Susan provides a non judgmental approach towards her clients and understands the complexities affiliated with balancing life's challenges. Susan works successfully with people from all socio economic backgrounds and fields of practice. Susan offers a broad therapeutic framework within her practice. During Susan's 27 years career, Susan has worked closely with many governmental organisations within the family violence, mental health, drug and alcohol addictions and child protection agencies for over a period of 12 years.
Susan Loane Counselling Services Bundall provides professional supervision for other Accredited Mental Health Psychotherapists. Susan also facilitates group work and professional development training sessions.
Susan now brings this polished approach to Bundall Counselling Services on the Gold Coast where Susan grew up.
Specialist areas that Susan typically helps people to address include:
.Anxiety and Stress
.Anger Issues
.Addictions- All
.Family Conflict
. Relationship Issues
.Life transitions- separation, career, retirement.
.Adolescent behavior
.School Issues
.Family Violence
.Abuse experienced in childhood
.Sexual Assault
.Grief and Loss
.Self Esteem/personal development
.General problem solving.
Referral Pathways:
Self Refer Via the Contacts Box of Susan's Website. GP referral needs to provide the client with a Mental Health Plan / Medicare Better Access to be eligible for the rebate.